Bring the Voice of the People Back to Township Hall

“I am troubled by the discourse in township government and want to bring respect and professionalism back to township hall.

We need to make sure doing the people’s business is the top priority of every official.

The focus needs to be on governance—not personalities. We need to set personal differences aside and direct our energies at doing what is best for our citizens.”

Every issue that comes before the Board should be viewed first and foremost as how it will impact the taxpayers of Bloomfield Township.

“Special interests should take a back seat to residents. We need to make sure that Bloomfield Township is open for business but not up for sale.”

Champion “smart growth” strategies that balance the needs of business, local residents and the environment.

“Competitive bidding on all contracts is a must when using taxpayer dollars. I can’t imagine why this has been opposed by the current Board.”

Preservation of natural resources over developer interests.

“We must protect the resources that make Bloomfield Township rare and unique.”

Transparency in Government.

“We need to shine a light on how township government operates for all to see. Government must work for its citizens. Period.

Advocate for Seniors

“Everyday at breakfast, my 89 year old father, a WWII veteran, shares with me issues seniors are concerned about and his thoughts on what is wrong with government—and he is usually right!”

Jeff Axt: The Change We Need.
The Voice We Deserve.